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Envobis Pty Ltd

Asbestos Surveys and Certification for Offshore Vessels

Envobis Pty Ltd
Envobis Pty Ltd are a company based in Fremantle in the Australian state of Western Australia. Their main business areas are asbestos Surveys and Certification for Offshore Vessels.

Envobis Pty Ltd have 7 members of staff, and have achieved revenues of AU1,000,000. of which export revenues have accounted for AU100,000. International companies interested in importing from Australia are welcome to use the contact details below.

Message from Envobis Pty Ltd
Envobis undertakes complying Asbestos surveys of Offshore Vessels (including vessels being built in overseas shipyards). Envobis enshrines “Env� for our environmental consulting roots, the Latin word “vobis� (for you), and ends with “bis� for universal goals of value creation, staff livelihood and return on capital. These reflect our commitment to provide accountable operations and assessments "for you" our clients, through client-focused services. Also contaminated sites, pollution, dust etc

At a glance:
Company name: Envobis Pty Ltd
Main business activities: Asbestos Surveys and Certification for Offshore Vessels

Envobis Pty Ltd Australian $
Company revenues: 1,000,000
Export revenues: 100,000

Envobis Pty Ltd can be contacted by clicking here: exports@envobis.com.au

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John Bird

Envobis Pty Ltd
Level 3 Church House 26 Queen Street

Fremantle 6158
Western Australia

Phone:  +61 8 9433 6822

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Envobis Pty Ltd is one of 853 companies in Western Australia listed on Australian Exporters.

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