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UNSW Mining Research Centre

Education and training services

UNSW Mining Research Centre
UNSW Mining Research Centre are a company based in The University of NSW in the Australian state of New South Wales. Their main business areas are education and training services.

UNSW Mining Research Centre have Unknown members of staff. International companies interested in importing from Australia are welcome to use the contact details below.

At a glance:
Company name: UNSW Mining Research Centre
Main business activities: Education and training services

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International Manager
Mike Katz

Postal Address:
Sydney 2052
New South Wales
Phone:  61 2 9385 5158
Fax:  61 2 9313 7269

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Other exporting companies in New South Wales

UNSW Mining Research Centre is one of 3139 companies in New South Wales listed on Australian Exporters.

A full list of exporting companies in New South Wales can be found here.

Sydney Office Space can be found here.