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Export Associations

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The Australian Trade Commission, known as Austrade, is a statutory agency within the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio, established by the Australian Trade Commission Act 1985.

Offering advice, market intelligence and ongoing support to Australian businesses looking to develop international markets, Austrade helps companies win overseas business for their products and services by reducing the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets...
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AusIndustry is an agency set up by the Australian government to delivery products, services and information that support industry, research and innovation.

AusIndustry delivers a range of Australian Government programs to help businesses become more innovative, investment ready and internationally competitive...
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The Australian Institute of Export

In 1956 the Australian Institute of Export was established as a not-for-profit private sector organisation.

A member of the International Association of Trade Training Organisations, AIEX operates in all Australian States assisting Australian exporters and export service providers by providing a range of highly focused skills development programs...
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The EFIC, Australia's export credit agency, assists exporters in competing internationally by providing insurance and finance facilities to support their overseas contracts.

EFIC provides competitive finance and insurance services to Australian exporters and Australian companies investing in new projects overseas. The EFIC also helps Australian exporters by providing medium to long-term finance facilities to the buyers of Australian exports to assist with the purchase of exports...
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